Sunday, November 8, 2015

Benefit of Detoxing the Body 👍

Benefit of Detoxing the Body

  1.    ENERGY 

By detoxing your body it can boost up your energy naturally. Cutting down sugar,sweets,caffeine, trans fat etc.. and replacing them with fruits and vegetables, you'll be getting a natural energy boost. You can also stay hydrated while doing the detox program. 

                                                     WEIGHT LOSS

Cutting down unhealthy food while detoxing your body is one step to lose weight. If you want to lose weight in a healthy way you can start detoxing your body by getting rid of unhealthy food, not only detoxing you also need to exercise to lose weight and have that body that you always dream of.


One way to have a healthy skin is to do the detox program. Way to help your skin detoxing is by going to a sauna. Help your skin get rid of toxins by sweating it out. You can have a healthy, clearer and smoother skin a the end of your detox program. Detoxing can help with acne although it need time to finally release the toxins out of your skin. 


Detoxing your body can help you have a more clearer mind. Many people who joins the detox program report that it helps them to think more positive rather than negative. The fat and sweet that is inside our body sometime makes us feel aggressive and sometime cause us to feel lethargic which is the quality of thinking heavily. By getting rid of sweets and unhealthy food helps us have a clearer mind. One step to have a clearer mind while detoxing is meditating or start doing yoga. Relief your stress and negative mind by meditating and consuming healthy food.    

Types of Detox Water that you can make 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Ways To Earn Money >>Summer

There are plenty of ways to earn money during summer, for some of you that need money or need something to do during summer, here are some examples. Because some summer activities really require money! This are just some examples that i think of :

Let's start off with something easy, in common, by selling Lemonade Stand. You can set a stand and start selling Lemonade. Before that you really need to think were to sell your Lemonade, try to find a place that everyone can see, probably in the beach, or you can start at the neighbourhood. Also make a poster! so they know what you are selling. Make sure your poster is bright, because that can attract attention. 

Wardrobe Clothes Selling 
The title above might be a little confusing. But all you need is just clean your wardrobe/closet and find some clothing piece that your not using anymore and sell it through online shop, here are some examples : Poshmark, Tradesy, Twice, Thredup, Copious, Project Repart, Storenvy
and much more! 
You can just start selling your unused shirt, pants or even accesories!

I know allot of you guys know babysitting, but you can actually earn pretty much moneys with it. If you start of by sticking posters around your neighbourhood or your town saying that you do a babysit it can attract attention to the busy parents. You can ask them to pay you per hours, or 5 dollars for the whole day. But what you need is a permission from your parents, because if you babysit you really need a place to stay in, also you need food to feed them, ofc :D and most of all an activity to keep them cheer up and not bored! You can bring them outside too! like to the park. 

Pet Care 
Pet care, what i mean by pet care is taking care your neighbours pets, and they will pay you. You can start by putting posters across you neighbourhood and town, its just the same as Babysitting(above^)
Lets just start with a basic animal, a dog. You can take them on a walk, play at the park or beach. Give them a groom! but for grooming you might need some equipment like dog shampoo, and a dog comb and other grooming kit! if you can't afford or you don't have any, you can borrow from the owner of the pet or borrow some from the people you know that have a grooming kit! 

Sell your Photography
1. Borrow a camera OR use your own camera if you have
2. Go outside to take pictures of view or have a small photoshoot with your friends
3. Make it a good quality, it doesn't have to be really good like a professional photography! just at least it looks okay to you 
4. Edit 
5. Sell it through online, or post it in social media but put credits!

There's allot of things, you can do during summer to earn money like :
tutor or give lessons 
get paid to promote apps 
design web logos
teach language 

Thx ++

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Export & Import

    Eksport: Ketika negara itu menjual hasil negaranya keluar negeri

    Import: Ketika negara membeli atau menerima barang dari negara lain dan dikembangkan di negaranya

Tujuan Eksport & Import 

a.Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat suatu negara.

b.Mempercepat pembangunan yang dilaksanakan oleh suatu negara.

c.Meningkatkan kesejahteraan penduduk suatu negara

Manfaat Kegiatan Ekspor/Import

1. Meningkatkan hubungan antar negara
2. Mendorong kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
3. Kebutuhan setiap negara tercukupi
4. Memperoleh keuntungan
5. Memperluas lapangan kerja

Hasil Pertanian

a. Ekspor barang pertanian meliputi kedelai,jagung,beras, dan tebu
b. Ekspor barang hasil hutan seperti kayu,rotan,kemenyan dan damar
c. Ekspor barang hasil perikanan seperti udang,ikan tuna,ubur-ubur,kerang dan mutiara
d. Ekspor barang hasil pertenakan berupa daging kaleng
e. Ekspor hasil perkebunan berupa getah karet,teh,lada hitam,lada putih,kopi dan biji coklat

Hasil Industri

1. kayu lapis
2.kayu olahan lain
3.pakaian jadi
4.kain tenun
5.tekstil lainnya
6.bungkil kopra
7.minyak atsiri
8.minyak kelapa sawit
11.barang anyaman
13.bahan kimia
14.alat-alat listrik
15. barang dari kulit
16.pupuk urea
17.kertas dan barang dari kertas
18. kaca dan barang dari kaca

Hasil Tambang
Ekspor barang dari hasil pertambangan Indonesia, berupa:
 e.bijih besi
g.batu bara

Negara-negara tujuan Eksport
Negara yang membeli tembaga dari Indonesia adalah Jepang,Singapore,Thailand,Korea Selatan.
Sementara negara yang membeli timah adalah Inggris,Belanda,Korea Selatan dan Singapore.

Alasan Negara Melakukan Import
1.Suatu negara tidak mempunyai bahan mentah untuk memproduksi barang-barang yang dibutuhkan
2.Tidak dapat memproduksi dengan biaya lebih murah daripada harga barang import
3.Jumlah barang yang diproduksi tidak mencukupi kebutuhan rakyat

Pengelompokan Barang-Barang Import
1.Barang Konsumsi:
Barang konsumsi yang diimport terdiri atas makanan dan minuman seperti susu,buah-buahan,sabun,kosmetik,beras dan juga barang rumah tangga

2.Barang Baku/Penolong:
Barang baku yang diimport salah satumya adalah bahan kimia,obat-obatan,bahan hertas,besi,baja,bahan bangunan dan banyak lagi

3.Barang Modal:
Barang modal yang diimport antara lain mesin-mesin,generator,alat-alat komunikasi dan alat pengangkut

Monday, May 4, 2015

Pancakes Recipes

Pancakes Recipe 

lets start with a basic pancake 

Ingredients: 1 cup (150g) self-raising flour
                    1 tablespoon sugar
                    1 egg
                    3/4 cup (180ml) milk
                    50g butter,melted

How to make basic/simple pancake:
In a bowl mix in flour and sugar. Beat in the egg and then the milk, mix until batter is smooth and lump-free. In a hot pan, brush butter over cooking surface and pour 1/4 cup measures for each pancake. Cook until lightly golden and dont forget to flip.

Can serve with: maple syrup.honey,ice cream,choc chip,fresh berries (strawberry,blueberry,rasberry)

Chocolate Pancake

Ingredients: 2 cups self-raising flour
                    2 tablesoon caster sugar
                    2/3 cup cocoa,sifted
                    2 eggs
                    1 1/2 cups milk
                    1/4 cup melted butter

How to make chocolate pancake:
Mix flour,sugar and cocoa ina bowl. Whisk in the eggs and milk. Mix until a thick,smooth batter forms. In a hot pan brush in butter. Cook 1/4 cup measure of pancake mixture in the pan. Dont forget to flip over to cook the other side.

Can serve with: chocolate sauce,strawberries and ice cream

Berry Pancake:

Ingredients: 2 cups plain flour
                   3 teaspoons baking powder
                   2 tablespoons caster sugar
                   2 eggs
                   600 ml buttermilk
                  60g butter
                  1 cup berries (strawberries,bluberries,rasberries...)

How to make berry pancake:
Stir the flour,baking powder ad sugar together. Add eggs,buttermilk,melted butter, whisk to combine then stir in berries. In a hot pa melt 1/4 teaspoom of extra butter. Pour 1/3 cup of pancake batter into pan. Cook 2-3 minutes then turn the pancake over. Cook for another minute.

Can serve with: maple syrup,honey,yogurt,ice cream and berries 

                                                                                                             Thank you+++

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mean,Median,Mode dan Range


1. Mean/Rata-rata:
Cara mencari Mean/Rata-rata: 
-Tambahkan semua angka/bilangan
-Lalu bagi dengan seluruh jumlah item
Contoh: 1,5,4,3,2,6,2,5
28 dibagi dengan 8 item

2. Modus/Nilai yang paling sering muncul:
Cara mencari Modus:
Contoh: 1,5,4,3,2,6,2,5
Modus dari angka-angka diatas adalah 2 dan 5, karena kedua nomor itu adalah nilai yang paling sering muncul.

3. Median/Nilai tengah:
Cara mencari Median:
-Urutkan dari yang paling kecil ke paling besar
-Lalu ambilah nilai yang ada di tengah
Contoh: 1,5,4,3,2,6,2,5
Jika ada dua angka ditengah, tambahkan lalu dibagi dengan dua
3+4: 7
lalu 7 dibagi 2

4. Range:
Cara mencari Range:
-Cari nilai paling tinggi
-Cari nilai paling kecil
-Nilai yang paling besar dikurangi oleh nilai yang paling kecil
Contoh; 1,5,4,3,2,6,2,5
Nilai paling tinggi adalah 6
Nilai paling kecil adalah 1
6-1 : 5

Cara Kalajengking Berkembangbiak

Cara Berkembangbiak: Kalajengking

Kalajengking berkembangbiak dengan cara ovovivipar.Setelah kalajengking betina dan kalajengking jantan menikah, si jantan akan meninggalkan si betina sejauh mungkin, karena setelah perkawinan si betina akan merasa kelaparan yang sangat kuat sehingga dapat memakan serangga apapun yang berada disekitarnya. Rasa kelaparan itu untuk memenuhi asupan telur yang ada di perutnya. Setelah asupan telur terpenuhi,kalajengking betina akan mengeluarkan telurnya. Biasanya kalajengking melahirkan 12 ekor atau lebih. Mereka akan lahir satu persatu, ketika semuanya sudah lahir, mereka akan diletakkan diatas punggung ibunya sampai anak-anak itu cukup besar untuk hidup sendiri.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

20 fakta tentang Enceng Gondok

Enceng Gondok

1. Enceng Gondok dalam bahasa inggris adalah : water hyacinth 
2.Nama latin dari enceng gondok adalah : Eichornia crassipes
3.Enceng gondok adalah salah satu tumbuhan air mengapung
4.Di daerah Palembang enceng gondok dikenal dengan nama keliput
5.Di daerah Lampung enceng gondok dikenal dengan Ringgak
6. Di daerah Dayak enceng gondok dikenal dengan nama ilung-ilung
7.Di daerah Manado enceng gondok dikenal dengan nama Tumpe
8.Enceng gondok pertama kali ditemukan oleh ilmuwan bernama 'Carl Friedrich Philip Von Martius'
9.Enceng gondok pertama kali ditemukan pada tahun 1824, ketik melakukan espedisi di sungai Amazon, Brazil
10.Enceng gondok tumbuh di kolam-kolam dangkal
11.Enceng gondok berwarna hijau dan mempunyai bunga berwarna putih dan ungu
12.Enceng gondok juga bisa tumbuh di tanah basaw dan rawa,aliran air yang lambat, danau dan tempat penampungan air dan sungai
13.Enceng gondok dapat tumbuh sekitar 0,4 sampai 0,8 meter
14.Enceng gondok tidak mempunyai batang
15.Daunnya tunggal dan berbentuk oval
16.Mempunyai akar serabut
17.Enceng gondok pertama kali di bawa ke Indonesia oleh seorang ahli botani dari Amerika
18.Permukaan daun enceng gondok licin
19.Mahkota enceng gondok panjangnya dapat mencapai 2-3 cm
20.Tangkai daunnya menggelembung (berongga) yang berfungsi untuk mengapung di permukaan air

Thank you!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Study Tips

Study Tips

Here are just some tips of how to study:

> Find a good/comfortable and quiet spot to study.
>Have all your study materials in front of you, 
example:pens,pencils,eraser,highlights,notebook.stickynote,guidebook,textbook and other equipment that you need while studying.

>Start by learning the most important lesson/subject

>Review some materials that you have learned

>Be focused, stay away from your devices, because that can distract you from learning
>Listen to music, because music helped me to calm down allot when im studying
>Take a break every 20 or 30 minutes of learning, dont force yourself to study 1 hour or 2 hours straight

>Ask question to your friends or techer when you dont understand something, you can call them or text them maybe they can help

>do some research, probably you will learn some tricks and new infromation

>Make sure that you understand the materials

>dont forget to drink lost of water and avoid eating allot of chocolate while learning because it can distract you from learning (chocolate makes you hyper)

>ask someone to test yourself, by asking question that are related to the materials that you are studying for

>Memorize some words that is important (if you need)

>dont study too late at night, because you will get tired and probably fall asleep 

those are just some tips of how to study..
Thank you

How to Spend Your Weekend

How to Spend Your Weekend

Are you bored during the weekends?
Here are some idea of what you can do during the weekends:

Hangout with friends:
Go spend the weekends hanging out with your friends, you can go to a cafe, to the mall,beach,a picnic at the park, or even to each other houses, and of course try to do fun stuff so you guys don't get bored. Because having someone around especially friends makes activities much fun.

                                   Spend time with family:
Probably to some of you this idea might be boring. But spending time with your family worth allot.By spending time with family, we can catch up with some family news, or what have they done during the week.Ask questions about their pasts and from that you might know your family member very well.

Do outdoor activities:
Go for a walk outside to feel the fresh air or if you have a pet dog bring them outside for a walk with you, teach them some tricks and both of you guys can exercise. Go cycling, you can plan this with a group of friends and even family,spend some time cycling to new places near your house that you never been before                                    (explore places near your house).
                                     Do your homework:
I know this is not a really good idea for some of you, but doing your homework can get you out of trouble with your teacher, also you can improve your learning by reading books,do some research,practice some lesson that you are not really good at because practice makes perfect.
Shopping can be one of the things that you can do during the weekends, because who knows probably you need some new clothes, or go grocery shopping with your mom.
Bake cakes or cookies:
Bake some cakes or cookies for friends,family or even for yourself. I found this activity fun when you are doing it with friends,family or someone you love. You can sell the cookies/cakes that you are making with your friends or neighbour then you can earn money :D.

That's all that i could think of, i know there's so much to do rather than spending the weekend in your house doing nothing.I hope some of my idea is usefull if your having a weekend without any plans. Thank you...>>>>>>